PMT Gurumantra – the first ever initiative by a medical student to guide NEET aspirants

PMT Gurumantra: Guru Shishya Parampara Redefined13 Glorious Years.

PMT (NEET) Gurumantra was launched on 17th June 2011. Today is the Happy Birthday of my first social entrepreneurial endeavour that didn’t gave me any direct monetary gains, but gave me lots of love and respect from students community.

Long before any medico had a YouTube Channel. Long before medicos were active on Quora. Long before Unacademy came into existence, long before medical students were posting reels on social media, was perhaps the only bridge between a bunch of medicos and medical aspirants.

PMT (NEET) gurumantra website launched in 2011 by Dr Rahul Chawla

The story behind PMT Gurumantra

While preparing for medical entrance examinations, I had realised that there’s a huge dearth of quality mentorship. The teachers who used to teach in coachings had never cleared any entrance exam by themselves and lacked that knack of competitive exam. So I devices my own methods and once I cleared my medical entrances, I thought of giving a helping hand to the students preparing for medical entrances.

While I was in first year MBBS, I used to get lot of calls from students preparing for PMTs in Kota. I used to guide them personally over phone initially but then realised that it’s just helping them and no body else. Also, I used to repeat the same strategy to every guy! So I thought of compiling all my advise, strategy in the form of a blog.

How I made the blog PMT Gurumantra

13 years back, I made this website on a wordpress blog with zero technical knowledge, learning everything on the go.

I wanted to be a mentor for medical aspirants, friendly and like an elder brother and yet be strict and formal. So I named the website as ‘PMT Gurumantra’ and its tagline as ‘Guru Shishya Parampara Redefined’! I believed in meaningful conversations, avoiding distractions and used to give to the point replies to the questions.

Within 20 days of the launch, Hindustan Times covered my endeavour in a small article that helped me in gaining little traction. My website had around 650 hits that day and gained almost 100 new followers. I still remember the names of those few students who helped me in getting word of mouth publicity. Within 3 months, I was covered by few online webpages and soon comments started pouring in and I started clearing doubts of students.

I followed no proper writing protocol. There were lots of spelling errors. I had zero idea of SEO tactics. But it was result of my zeal of providing meaningful content and clearing doubts of the students that within few months of operation, my website started ranking on the top page for most keywords, even ahead of major coaching institutions like Allen and Aakash.

The Hindu published article on PMT (NEET) Gurumantra

Soon, I got covered by the Hindu and other national and local newspapers. I also launched by Biology books which had been instant hit and the blog played a major role in boosting the sales of my books. With mentors like Vaibhav, Kshitij, Deepak, Anshika and many others, in the initial 5 years till 2016, we were able to guide thousands of aspirants and solved more than 10,000 individual queries, without charging anything.

What went wrong with PMT Gurumantra?

I had lots of plan for the website but soon within a year, reality struck – MBBS Final exams followed by PG entrance, followed by gruesome residency and I could no longer give time to my website. There were few medical students who were engaging with the aspirants on the website but the whole movement faded out within 5 years of its inception. I tried to revamp the website few times, but with half hearted approach and the results went in vain. My books went out of publishing and I had no time to get the latest edition. Soon, there were scores of medical students on Quora, YouTube and Instagram and the name of PMT Gurumantra disappeared from everyone’s memory.

Though dormant for last couple of years, the legacy of ‘Guru Shishya Parampara’ still continues in various other forms.

PMT Gurumantra, Now NEET at your fingertips – future plans?

PMT Gurumantra is now being revamped as ‘NEET at your fingertips ‘. The website is now live, but official re launch is pending till I get through few more obstacles and get somebody on board to manage the website full time on my behalf.

PMT Gurumantra, NEET at your Fingertips by Dr Rahul Chawla

I always believe that the content on website lasts longer, and safer to browse than the content on social media. Browsing on website is more insightful, less distracting and prevents students from wasting their time while interacting on social media. I am trying to create a space where some meaningful discussion can be done that is not lost into the depths of social media feeds and remains available to the students at the time of need.

Hopefully, I will be able to revamp the website again in its full glory. I already have released Physics at your fingertips which is available in the market and plan to release Chemistry at your fingertips and revised edition of Biology at your fingertips soon in the market.


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